Personally, I feel as though I contributed a large portion of effort to this project as a whole. During the interview process, I crafted all of the questions and made sure to keep our interview as open and structured as needed. On the actual video itself, I contributed a large portion of both ideas and actual work, cutting film and arranging it in the way I thought would best fit the experiences I thought Elizabeth was trying to communicate. Paul was helpful in giving some insight and figuring out technical errors, but for the most part this project is kind of my creative brainchild. I feel as though Paul and I both equally contributed what we were able. As it stands with artistry and aesthetics and the storytelling part, that was more my forte and what I was personally able to accomplish. So I took the lead on that, whereas Paul took control of the more technical aspects and made sure everything was where it needed to be.
I think I'm slightly disappointed about some of the answers Elizabeth gave us because I thought so long and hard about the questions I wanted to ask, but I liked the experiences she shared. Other than that I'm completely happy with our result.
I think really I would allow more than just an hour for the interview. I felt a tad rushed at times because I wanted to make sure I was asking all of the questions I wanted to and gather all the information I could. I think that if we had had more time, then Elizabeth would have been able to elaborate on some more details.